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Medical Providers

Child health care providers are uniquely positioned to identify developmentally vulnerable children as they have near universal access to young children that provides ongoing monitoring of children's developmental status, as well-child health care includes developmental promotion and early identification through periodic screening.  However, child health care providers often face challenges in identifying early signs of developmental or behavioral concerns, and even when needs are recognized, keeping comprehensive and updated information on community-facing services is difficult and lastly; successful connection to those programs is time-consuming.  The formidable challenges of facilitating connections to needed services can be daunting for busy practitioners and potentially discourage early detection efforts.


The Help Me Grow system supports community-based pediatricians by enhancing effective development promotion and early detection activities for all children and families.  This support is provided through educating and motivating providers to conduct systematic surveillance and screening of young children, as well as providing community-based pediatricians with access to a centralized access point that can serve as a care coordination arm for busy pediatric primary care practices.  In doing so, Help Me Grow Central Illinois partners with pediatricians to ensure effective linkage to appropriate programs and services. 

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